23 July

业务咨询海运整柜出口 海运门到门 | 报关服务

Currently Mr. Hasan is focusing in Bangladesh, his native country, which is growing at about 7% a year. He is developing his ship recycling business there where his company owns one of the single largest yard with about 1000 feet sea frontage and expanding into other sectors such as steel mill, ship building for the domestic sector and LPG Gas terminal and bottling operation.

Mr. Hasan has an MBA in Finance from Columbia University, New York and Honors in Economics from Dhaka University. He represented the Pakistan National basketball team and was a Double Blue from Dhaka University in Cricket and Basketball.

Ambereen Hasan, Director, SVP of Ashford Finance LLC based in New York, brings her experience in finance and trading. Her education includes Syracuse University, USA and London School of Economics.

Mr. Muzaffar Ahmed, General Manager, has been with the company from the late 1990’s. With experience in ship breaking of more than thirty years and he is one of the pioneers in the industry. His expertise is not only in the production side but also process management and financial control. He works very closely with the Managing Director.

Chief Financial Officer Mr. Md Gias Uddin, MBA, CA (CC) has been with the company for ten years. He is not only in charge of finance but also key operations responsibilities.K" Line --- Pioneer in Automobile Transport
As a pioneer in the transport of automobiles using pure car carriers (PCC), "K" Line provides services for the safe and timely transport of completely built-up cars (CBU). "K" Line entered the CBU transport service in 1970 with the Toyota Maru No. 10, Japan's first PCC. Since then, we have steadily upgraded our fleet to raise transport quality even further.

Safety in Navigation and Environmental Preservation
"K" Line not only makes unstinting efforts to transport CBU safely and without causing damage during the loading and unloading operations and navigation, we are also making fleet upgrades to improve environmental performance. Upgrades include the use of fuel tanks placed within a triple-bottom structure to prevent oil leaks and protect the environment with enhanced fuel tank protection performance in the event of damage to the ship. We also adopted electrically controlled engines on PCC for the first time. Computer control of fuel injection timing and the opening and closing of exhaust valves reduces nitrogen oxide emissions and cuts soot and carbon dioxide during low-load operation. We are actively working to reduce environmental impact through the use of various cutting-ed

提供全球客户全方位之服务,包括进、出口、中转等业务皆蒸蒸日上 我司是专业从事第三方综合物流服务的运营商,以成为“全球化供应链管理公司”为战略目标,多年来一直致力于推动中国物流服务业的快速全面发展。在先进的物流IT系统支持下,充分整合集团和社会物流资源,为客户提供全方位物流及增值服务。




公司全新货物追踪系统以及数据与文档综合管理系统保证了我们能为客户提供高效,有竞争力而又低成本的服务。 建立了一支经验丰富、操作熟练、高素质团队.


公司发展以人为本,不论资排辈,能力优先,以个人能力为导向,晋升完全取决于个人努力。公司坚持持续引进人才,重视人才、合理开发人才、留住人才、提升人才的指导思想和价值观念,诚邀有志之士加入新峰,共创辉煌。 积累了丰富的航运代理经验


实行专业分工、团队合作的业务操作模式,根据客户需求及项目需要,可随时组织不同专业的律师组成专项法律服务团队 一直秉承“专业服务,诚信服务”的服务宗旨
